Saturday, June 27, 2009


Dan is out of surgery.  He has a trach and a feeding tube that goes in through his side into his stomach.  He looks better, has better color in his face and it is nice to see without the tubes taped to his nose and mouth.  He has pneumonia in his right lung (not the one that was bruised), but is still doing okay and has been initiating breaths on his own just using the vent for the O2.  Part of the purpose of the trach and feeding tube is to clear things off his face and hopefully reduce his agitation when they wake him.  The way I understand it removing the tubes from his nose and getting him a clear breathing passage should help know more about brain damage.  He looks more comfortable than ever.  Continue that there is no permanent brain damage.

His parents seem to be doing quite well.  His dad is going back home to take care of some business and will return with his sister Katie.


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